"Avatar" is Awesome! (but, those omenous dreams...)

Jan 12, 2010 07:47

I saw "Avatar" the other night (only in 2D, dang it) and so I feel that my previous post was entirely justified, concerning the concept of intelligent plant life. It's good to know that I'm not alone in thinking along these lines. The movie struck a personal chord with me though, due to it's utterly shamanic nature, which
is how myself and family perceive the uni/multiverse and its myriad and all-embracing inter-connectedness. Truly a wonderful movie; one that I would recommend to any and all.

and on the darker side...I just woke up from a third night in a row, of hopefully non-prescient dreams. Each contained the very same theme- myself and family have to GET OUT of this area because we are in a  "strike zone".  But as I've long known, my psych-ism is very much based on whats "in the air", as in audio/video waves which can come into my dreams, before the t.v. or radio are even turned on, or even in the vicinity. I'm sure that we must be directly related to the theoretical hundredth-monkey. With two more post-apocalyptic movies due out - "The Road" and "The Book of Eli", I'm hoping that I'm just picking up on a common fear among us. But I mean, really, three nights in a row?! 
The Lakhota Natives have a prayer, "Wakan Tanka, onsimala ye oyate wani wacin ca" which translates to "Great Spirit, be merciful to me for the sake of your people". It cannot be said any better.

esp, dreams, lakhota natives, Аватар, psi, movies, earth spirits, avatar

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