A Brief Update

Apr 27, 2009 20:14

Hey ladies and gents,

Long time, no blabber.  Rest assured, I've been lurking about, but I simply haven't had the energy to bore you with my rants, my navel-gazing, and my witty bons mots lately.  I can't say if I'll be back to norm any time soon, but I hope so.

I know I didn't share my scintillating commentary on the last 2 weeks' episodes of Castle and Heroes.  But trust me, I've been watching.  And I eagerly await the season finale of Heroes tonight.  And the crowd rejoiced!  Yay!!  This week is going to be a doozy as far as my schedule, but I'll do what I can to share my thoughts on the finale by Thursday evening at the latest.

So what's been going on, you ask?  Like I said this is a brief update, so here you go.

  • I gave my two weeks' notice last Thursday at my part-time job.
  • Currently, I'm seeking a new part-time job and I'm ignoring those who keep barking at me about X, Y, and Z.  I'm the one who has to endure the condescending insults and the constant harassment about sell, sell, selling the store's credit card to hapless customers during the worst recession since WWII, so the final's decision is mine.  Spank you.
  • Still working on my website, but making little substantive progress
  • Networking, seeking FT gigs, contemplating grad school, etc.
  • Working at my craptastic PT job.

It doesn't seem like a lot, I know.  But my plate is indeed full.  And this week, I'm heading down to Philly for a Mashable Mixer.  But before that, I have an interview with an agency.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya?

Okay, I think that's all I can share and still be considered brief.  Talk to yous later in the week.

P. S.  Has anyone else noticed that Hulu has added all of Season 3 to their Heroes page?  Yay!  Now, I can watch Ep. 8, "Villains" as often as I want until August 1st.

P. S. S.  Is anyone else on the East coast still broiling from the heat wave?  My room feels like a sauna right now.

fandom, career, life

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