This Week in Fandom: Heroes and Castle

Mar 10, 2009 23:51

Okay.  So here I am again for my recap of this week’s Heroes episode, which seems to be getting the best reviews its had all volume, if not, all season.  “Shades of Gray” is definitely one of the better episodes thus far, so I’ll try not to rain on anyone’s parade.  There were a few things that left me scratching my head, but I enjoyed the episode and, as you can tell from my previous squee! post, I certainly enjoyed the final shot.

I enjoyed it so much that I was disappointed that this week’s commentary on the NBC site doesn’t have either Greg Beeman (the director of this ep) or Adrian Pasdar joining in.  Instead, it’s the writer, Oliver Grigsby, who did a fine job, and David H. Lawrence the 33rd.  But that’s okay.  Too much sugar is bad for your teeth, anyway.

Let’s get started, shall we?  Oh yeah, I’m watching the rerun on G4 again while I type this, so my thoughts are scattered.  At least, that’s the excuse I’m using for now.  :-)

Heroes, S3, Ep. 19 - "Shades of Gray"

  • First off, why is Cheaters on G4?  What does a show about investigating infidelity have to do with gaming and fandom?  Hey, why don’t we create a show on how to build a nuclear reactor and put it on Lifetime while we’re at it?
  • I mentioned in my last ep review that Eric Doyle creeps the hell out of me.  The guy has ‘serial rapist’ written all over him.  But I’m not so blind that I can’t see that David H. Lawrence the 86th is one hell of an actor.  This man manages to give his character such genuine pathos that it tugs at you until you can’t help but want to see him get some kind of help, if for no other reason than to get him off the streets so he can’t use his magical acting abilities to destroy others.  Kudos to you, Mr. Lawrence.  I fear we’ll be seeing you again.
  • I’m somewhat disappointed in the way the whole bombing of D.C. story panned out.  My guess is that the giant explosion that Parkman drew on the floor of Mohinder/Isaac’s loft wasn't directly related to the drawings of Matt with C4 strapped to his chest.  Because if it was, what a letdown!  Not that I wanted Matt to go boom, but that whole red wire/black wire/let’s just pick up the detonator and toss it aside like it’s made by Playskool was seriously weak.
  • I’ll say it again.  Pasdar needs to stop cutting his hair so close on the sides.  His face is starting to look as chubby as Grunberg's.  That, or Natalie Maines is one hell of a cook and he’s ready to become a fat, happy husband like many men his age.  :-)
  • Danko.  Meet Sunshine.  Sunshine.  Danko.  I’m starting to think this man sleeps in a coffin and only comes out after sundown.
  • I’m not a fan of spoilers, but when I heard that John Glover was going to play Sylar’s father, I did the Dance of Joy.  However, again, I find myself disappointed with what they gave us.  Maybe I expected too much, but I found John and ZQ’s time together onscreen pretty m’eh.  I guess I was expecting more fireworks.  Not necessarily a big showdown between Killer Dad and Killer Son, but something more climactic, yes.  I’m happy that Sylar left him there to wallow in the misery of an uneventful, uninspiring, achingly painful death.  But everything that came before?  Frankly, I was bored.
  • Meanwhile, in another part of the storyline, I’m happy to see that the writers didn’t turn Danko into the dumbest man in the history of the U.S. military.  Thank goodness he was smart enough to put two and two together and figure out that Nathan’s not on the up-and-up.  Except that he is. ... See what I did there?  I made a flying pun. ... Okay, I’ll stop.  Anyway, dumb villains are a definite sign that the writers aren't even trying anymore, so go Oliver!
  • The guy interviewing Claire at the comic book store had this weird Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan-thing going for him with the red facial hair and fluffy coif.  He was Nerd Cute, but not cute enough to ignore that he was an ass who perpetuated the myth that only men read comic books.  And I’m not even going to comment on the whole job offer based on the fact that Claire’s a pretty, young blonde and has neither the experience nor the knowledge to qualify for the position.  Because we all know, it’s not that unrealistic for someone who looks like her to be offered a job based on that alone.  Moving on.
  • I think whether or not you believe Nathan is lousy in bed will probably be based on if you like the character moreso than if you believe it fits the character.  However, I am interested in how Adrian decided Nathan would interpret that line and what did he base his reaction shot on.  I have a feeling Nathan was just sitting on pins and needles hoping she wouldn’t “out” him and couldn’t give a flying f#ck what she said about his stroke.  Which is awesome by the way.  j/k  :-P
  • I find it odd that none of the online reactions I’ve read so far about this episode have addressed the idea that Nathan seems to have some connection to Rebel.  I’ve only read one fanfic that posited the idea that Nathan might actually be Rebel.  I don’t think he is, but the fact that he emphasized the word “hope” and made a reference to the idea that he’s been helping Specials all along makes me think he’s in league with Rebel or someone who’s trying to subvert the project who may also know Rebel.

Which, of course, makes no sense based on the info the audience has about this whole operation since Volume 4 began.  But, and this is a Big But, if my theory -- that Nathan has something else planned other than what we’ve seen taking place and the fact that I don’t think Nathan truly believes he’s going to help people with powers by locking them up and keeping them in captivity until they can find a cure to get rid of their powers -- is true, then it does make some sense.  However, like I said then, I could just be in denial and that theory is just me spinning my wheels until the writers tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So, to sum up, I don’t think Nathan is Rebel.  (I hope it’s Micah, because, you know, that would actually make more sense.)  But there were clear signs in this episode that Nathan and Rebel aren’t exactly enemies.  I’m surprised more folks on my friendslist aren't discussing this.
  • “A long time ago, I gave up trying to figure out what Angela Petrelli would and wouldn’t do.” -- HRG.  Hmmm, interesting line.  Must. Remove. Mind. From. Gutter.
  • Angie, again with the socks?  I’m eager to find out what that particular compulsion represents.  /Jung
  • Wow!  Could it be that Claire is starting to empathize with her father’s predicament while he was working for the Company and the gov’ment?  Could that be a spark of maturity I see twinkling in her eye?
  • Question.  How was Claire strong enough to lift and toss the gov'ment agent in the alleyway?  What the what?!  Even if he had all his weight on one foot, that would be damn near impossible from her position and with her slight upper body strength.
  • Okay.  I’m torn about the scene in the restaurant between Angela and Danko.  Angie is sexy as hell (I love it when they let Christine be playful), but I hate oysters.  Or more importantly, I hate watching and hearing people eat oysters.  That shit’s gross, I don’t care what anyone says.  No matter what angle you view it from, It always looks like someone sucking snot out of an ashtray.  Sorry.
  • I knew the minute Daddy Gray told Sylar to place the rabbit on the cabinet that he was going to try and take his healing ability.  The flash of awe and lust that ran across Samson's face spoke volumes.  I guess it would’ve ruined the whole reveal if I expected Sylar to see that coming as well.  ::shrug::
  • Nathan looks pretty cowboy-esque with that toothpick.  We’ve never seen him with one before now, but I have a theory about that too.
  • “You may have friends now, Petrelli.  But one day, you’re going to find yourself alone.”  -- Danko.  Foreshadow?  I think so.
  • The looks between HRG and Nathan after the Senator tells him that he gets to meet President Worf and lead the project's operation will feed slash fanfic for months on end.  I now have images of Noah thanking Nathan all night long running through my head.  :-)
  • That giant plate glass window was the biggest fucking giveaway that Danko was going to test his theory that Nathan had abilities.  The moment Danko showed up in the hallway, all I could think was, “Get away from the window, Nathan.  Step away from the window.  This is not going to end well.”  And I was right.  I like it when I’m right.  :-D


And like dyvinesweetness said, I loved Danko’s plan.  Either I’ll prove Nathan has an ability or he will plummet to his death.  Either way, I win.  ::shrug::  Um, okay.  I guess that works.
  • How is it that the writers manage to find someway to work in Claire whining in each episode she makes an appearance?  Everything isn’t about you, Barbie.  Damn.
  • On the other hand, I’m kind of glad that they didn’t try to redeem Doyle.  I didn’t want that shoved down my throat this volume.  Thanks.
  • I hope Matt Jr. has a power like Jack-Jack from The Incredibles.  That would be f@cking awesome!
  • Sylar’s in Danko’s apartment.  Oh shit.  Maybe now, Sylar’s storyline will start to get interesting for me again.  TBH, I’m tired of his search for answers to “Why am I the way that I am?”  I don’t care.  Just kill something!  Screw character development.  I’m only half-kidding.
  • And yes, I want an icon of Nathan holding Claire while floating in the air outside Claire’s window.  Why?  Because it was an awesome fucking shot and a great moment in Heroes canon.  Screw you if you don’t get that.


But in all fairness, allow me to 'splain my squeeage.  For the last 3 volumes, I’ve been waiting for Nathan to do right by Claire.  And since this volume began (and prior to it), I’ve noticed that his primary concern has been Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter.  Granted, he didn’t give Peter a pass on the bag-and-tag process, but I’m not so sure that was because he didn’t want to.  Peter poses/posed a genuine threat to his plans and Nathan pretty much used up his free pass on Claire in order to get HRG on board.  But I know Nathan cares for Claire, even if he hasn’t publicly announced to the whole world that she is his daughter.  Why?  Because other than the moment when Nathan held Peter in his arms in his mother’s house, believing Peter to be dead, the closest we ever saw Nathan on the verge of tears or emotionally distraught was when he was riding away from Meredith’s trailer in his limo in V1's "Run!".  Of course, not knowing that Claire was watching him leave.

So, yes, I leapt with joy and ... more joy to see him race across the country to save his daughter from Danko’s men.  (It's important to note here the fact that she's Noah's adoptive daughter has no bearing on whether or not she had a free pass from the gov'ment.  Interesting.  Poor Noah.  He really is just middle management.)  But just to be clear, I’m not saying Claire should forgive Nathan or that he even deserves forgiveness, but the fact that she was his first concern after his cover was blown made my heart proud.

And as a poor attempt at full disclosure, I guess I should mention that I didn’t grow up with my biological father, so, yes, I have daddy issues.  Read into it what you will.  I still want that icon.  :-)
Castle, S1, Ep. 1 - "Pilot"

Okay.  I was also going to review the new show, Castle, but I’m tired now.  So I’ll just say that I thought it was a pretty good premiere.  The second half was much better than the first half, and I like the fact that the lead female isn’t blond and she has short hair.  My final verdict: Much like Hugh Laurie, Nathan Fillion will have to carry this show.  And the second half of the premiere made it pretty damn clear that he can.  But the audience will have to love his character in spite of his flaws -- which I think they will -- in order for this show to see the fall lineup in September.  Here’s hoping that it does.

And if you need a little incentive to check it out, here’s the man of the hour on last week’s Jimmy Kimmel.  He’s so adorkable.

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