Signal Flare

Jan 01, 2010 23:01

Some days I'm chatty. Others not so much.

I know I tend to go days, sometimes weeks, without posting a LJ entry. Microblogging provides a nice signal flare that says, yes, I am indeed, still alive.

I hope this doesn't annoy the hell out of everyone. Let me know, 'kay?

  • 23:49 JLo's performing on Seacrest's NYE show. Damn! All that time out of the spotlight, and she still can't sing worth a lick.
  • 00:26 Happy New Year!!
  • 01:02 @ gamany You're late chica! :-P
  • 02:49 It's been one hell of a new year. And it's not even 3AM yet.
  • 19:53 The best bits of Dr. Who's "Human Nature/Family of Blood" 2-parter is the last 15 min. Tennant is freaking amazing as both Smith/The Doctor.
  • 20:31 "Blink" may be the most pitch perfect episode of Dr. Who that doesn't feature more than 10 minutes of the Doctor. -#WhoMarathon
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