Jun 25, 2013 03:12
rant "Asshole Magnet\";
So it is official. I am a fricking Asshole Magnet. I should be given a fricking badge. Or at least one of those rubbery wrist band thingies, you know, kind of to identify me to nearby assholes.
When I set up in my evening spot, there is a fella who frequently works nearby. We chat, keep each other company when it's slow, sometimes flirt.
Tonight, I was crabby because it was a slow day. He noticed. I mentioned I was just hungry. He asked me out to dinner. When I declined, he said, "Aw, c'mon. I've been wanting to ask you out for a while... Now I have a reason to!" Again I declined, that time with a big smile.
We both got busy for a while. Then my Coyote came to visit. We talked about coyote/crow things; he left when I was about to get another reading. After that reading, the fella came over. Said, "Hey, was that your boyfriend?"
I said no, that was my Coyote. My good friend.
Fella said, "Well, how about that dinner then? If you don't want to go to a restaurant, we could buy stuff and go to your place to cook it." Wink-wink.
I said, "Why don't we go to your place?" He said no. I asked why.
He said, "Um, because my girlfriend lives there, and wouldn't appreciate my bringing you over"
I said, "Why not? Do y'all not like company?" He stared at me like I was stupid. Said uhhhhh, nooo....
I asked him, very pointedly, "Well, please then, tell me, that since this is the first I've heard of any girlfriend, that you two have an open arrangement, and you just don't bring new people into the house."
And he paled, and said, "No... But we could just go to your place, and she'll never find out..."
And I didn't call him a fucking bastard piece of shit OR throw a metal chair upside his head. I think I've grown as a person.
Of course I declined. I told him he is lucky I don't know who his girlfriend is. I told him,"You know, if you're not a monogamous person, that ain't no crime. But, you should be honest about it with your partner, and with yourself"
He packed up and left.
Of all the fucking dick moves. Really?
That's it... You fucking men. I've had it, see, with the freaking lot of you. So typical.
Fuck my life! Argh!
rant "Asshole Magnet\";
omg he thinks he's tom jones,
i feel a homicide coming on,
teh horror,
the hex