So this morning, I found the following in my inbox:
Flag this messageThese shirts are disgusting
Friday, December 28, 2012 7:11 AM
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Kelleigh -- There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it:
Suspend sales of sexist tee shirts and donate existing proceeds to help victims of sexual and domestic abuse
Sign Lauren's Petition Spencer's Gift's LLC: Stop offensive sales, & donate to a women's org. Started by: Lauren, San Francisco, California
Misogynistic and abusive messages on clothing who's sales are aimed at young men clearly send a message that it's ok to belittle, objectify, and demoralize women. This is not the message we want to send to teens, just starting to experiment with relationships. Spencer's Gift's is advocating abusive relationships towards women by selling these tshirt's. The line of t-shirts sold under the category "humor" are anything but. Profiting from the advocacy of misogyny and abuse towards women is reprehensible.
Click here to sign Lauren's petition, "Spencer's Gift's LLC: Stop offensive sales, & donate to a women's org.". You can also check out other popular petitions on by
clicking here.
If you have concerns or feedback, click here to flag this petition. Lauren Moody, who created this petition, is not affiliated with did not create and is not responsible for the petition content.
Now, here's the thing. I hate the shirts too. I saw a guy wearing one out on Canal St. the other day, and I almost turned around and punched him. They are offensive, and disgusting; and they make me want to cut off the dick so that I could make the rules for this asshole.
When do we get to that point? What if my "Blessed Be, Y'all" t-shirt is offensive to those fundies who barrel through the Square five times a week? What if they decide that clothing is not enough? Years ago, a shirt came out that just said "FUCK" on it in huge block font. Either underneath or in the back of the shirt, I forget which, it said "The Federal Government has granted us all the right to wear a t-shirt that says 'fuck'..." or something like that. I thought the shirts were kinda dumb.But they were correct.
So I'm not going to sign this petition. But I completely support that person's right to make one.