Oct 27, 2012 16:28
I'm reposting this to my Facebook, for everyone on my F-lists from NY, New England, NJ, and PA.
So here's some stuff that your Mayor and the Weather Channel won't tell you:
~ Buy more food than you think you need. Most of the coverage I've seen is predicting "massive power outages" or some such fnord-y crap. That means that your local grocery store will probably lose power, and their generator (if they have one) will probably at some point run out of steam. That means, they will have to throw out EVERYTHING and restock before they will open! So you'll have enough to get you through till the lights come back on... but then it'll be another 3 days or so until you can buy anything locally. RAVIOLI IS YOUR FRIEND! ALL HAIL CHEF BOY-AR-DEE!!!
~ Don't forget to get toilet paper. It becomes a trade-able commodity after a week or so. For that matter, have a collection of plastic grocery bags. You know, the ones you use to scoop up after your dog when you walk him. I mean, it's unlikely that a storm surge will knock out your local pumping station and it takes a week to get the plumbing back online... But believe me, it smells a lot better to be safe than sorry. :P
The bags also come in handy for stuff out of the fridge that becomes ungood in a few days.
~ Instant coffee. 'Nuff said.
~ Batteries for the CD player! Batteries for the CD player! Batteries for the CD player! You will be SO tired of hearing news coverage of "The Aftermath™" after a day, and it'll be days before any radio station airs anything but.
~ FEBREEZE. You know I'm right.
~ Don't worry about "games for the kids". They will not play with them. They will be distracted by the storm and by nervous adults. Give them food until they get sleepy. Turkey works well.
~ Charge your phones and your computers. Charge your chargers.
~ Cook all the food in your freezer. Fill the freezer with bottled water. Begin making tons of ice. The store will be out of it. Portion the cooked food, and put it in ziplock bags. Pack all of the food that needs refrigeration in the smallest space possible, using as much ice as you can. I still had ice and cold food five days after Isaac. Y'alls weather will be in the 50s, which helps, but will still fuck up good groceries.
And be careful. Have fun with the storm, but don't be stupid. (Video camming on the front porch = fun. Taking the surfboard out = STUPID)
I'll have my storm candle lit for y'all.
learning is fun,