Dear friends;
In light of
recent events, we, the ever faithful Who Dat Nation, have decided it is better to "come clean". Better the sports viewing nation hears the truth from our own people, than to sit idly by and wait to be crudely exposed by an uncaring media.
We would therefore like to wholeheartedly confess to the nation- nay, the world- that:
* The Saints built the federal levee system
* The Saints overcooked the risotto
* The Saints killed your 47th level magic using Elf warrior
* The Saints imported the Chinese drywall
* The Saints sent Columbian hookers to the Secret Service
* The Saints got "Firefly" cancelled
* The Saints pushed Mrs. O'Leary's cow
* The Saints faked the deaths of Elvis and Jim Morrison
* The Saints stole your keys
* The Saints blew the hole into the ozone layer
* The Saints may cause anal leakage
* the Saints beat your high score on the Galaga machine
* The Saints were on the grassy knoll
* The Saints started Kony 2012
* The Saints created "Jersey Shore"
* The Saints broke the lamp in the dining room
* The Saints cracked the drilling riser on the Deepwater Horizon
* The Saints are the reason for your chronic acid reflux
* The Saints hacked the systems of the FBI and the DHS
* The Saints let the dogs out
* The Saints sold your kidney on the black market
* The Saints hid $90,000 inside William Jefferson's freezer
* The Saints put the red sock in the washing machine
* The Saints ruined the bell curve on your 10th grade math final
* The Saints buried Jimmy Hoffa
* The Saints Are Legion
If in our haste, we accidentally omitted any further crimes against humanity, we sincerely apologize, and resolve to continue to compile the inclusive list throughout the State's investigations.
thank you for your indulgence.