
Nov 11, 2010 12:51

So.... the dogs wake me up (as usual) and I scramble around for clothes to throw on, to take them out to poop (as usual). It is mayhem if I go to pee first. According to the morning ritual, we would then come back in and race to the kitchen, where I would sneak in my morning necessities while the dogs clamor about trying to beat each other to the breakfast that has yet to be served.
OK so. Lately there has been big stupid drama with Crazy Upstairs Neighbor Twat;. Nothing different, just more of the same. More often than not for the past week-and-a-half or so, I've been lured into at least one stupid argument before it's time to go to work, or at least receive one dramatic and threatening note on my door from the LL based on some bullshit that CUNT said.
So this morning when I went to take the dogs out... No dramatic note on the door. In fact, the last note I received was to inform me that the noisiest person living up there had left to go work at a Colorado ski resort (I was so overwhelmed with joy I framed it). Roommate #2 was coming in as I was going out; she gave me a weird look, but I dismissed it as her knowing how uncommunicative I am in the mornings.
We headed out across the street... No  shouts from the upstairs windows. No LL coming across the street to yammer at me about something.
As we made our way back to the house, I actually giggled at the thought my brain made, "Hmm; I wonder if everybody is OK..." It was so peaceful! I thought, Wow.. maybe I can actually get out of the house today without feeling like I need a pint of Wild Turkey and a Xanax bar.

So we race into the kitchen, as usual.
And there is a NOTE atop Roommate #2's feather bed which is draped across the kitchen table: "One of the Animals peed all over my feather bed. I don't even know if that can be cleaned!"
Well so much for my fantasies of a drama-free day. This has not been the first note from her; nor the first issue. She has been here six days.
Last night, kali_ma left for work, taking her son and sophiaserpentia , who is visiting this week. I asked Roommate #2 if she was heading out, too. I got a nine-minute itinerary of all the things she needed to do, all the reasons she had to go out, all the reasons she had to stay in. She couldn't find her "$397 glasses!!!" and threw a fit about if for half an hour. I tried to help, asking if she had put it in this or that box, where was the last place she'd seen them, etc. She snapped at me; so I went back into my room. She didn't leave until 8:30.

When the house is guaranteed empty, I will almost always take the night off.... especially on a Wednesday. I hate Wednesdays. I usually spend most of that evening cleaning the house; nobody there needing to use the whatever I am wiping down, or trying to sleep or read while I'm clattering, etc. I gather all the animals into my room so they are not underfoot.
So. All three of my animals in my bedroom from (before, really) the time Roommate #2 left, until ...well really until around 1AM, after the others had already come home at 10:45, and I ran the dogs outside to poop, and we raced into the kitchen for dinner... and even then they just all went back into my room because I wasn't entirely done with the bathroom yet. So, never in her room. Never out of my sight.
And Cyrus, kali_ma & sophiaserpentia 's cat, was in A's room the whole night.

So. it didn't happen last night.
And she leaves her door wide open when she leaves the house.
And I really thought there might just be a day without drama.
When in reality.... now it is seeping into the house.

That's it- I'm finding me a nice clock tower.

aaargh!, cat, whiny, wow...really?, psycho, doggie, drama, annoying, life, fuck this stupid shit, i feel a homicide coming on, poop, stupidity, homelife, wtf?????, rant!, teh horror

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