Are you freakin KIDDING me?????

Aug 29, 2009 19:46

45 ~ 7!!!!!!!!
Holy shit!

We made the Oakland Raiders cry. Seriously. I almost felt bad for them.


Couple of other things real quick:

Quote of the week:
"...Look. We’re all in our 40s now. We are the children of the Woodstock Generation, and we’d all grown up on Zoom and John Hughes movies. What do they expect...? Glam Metal? That's what happens when you combine Grease with Rocky Horror Picture Show..."

~ Me, explaining my misspent 80s to a friend in her 20s

And okay, hey~~~ Do I have any television production-type people still reading this stupid thing??? Okay, here's the thing. Quit remaking stupid shows from the 80s and 90s, to try to appeal to a younger audience!!!!!!! They were horrible back when they were semi-original! Nobody wants to see how fat Dylan got in the last ten years! We don't want to see how haggard that Spelling chick became! ..Or should that be the other way around? LOLZ.

Happy Birthday,moonmelody !
Ditto, morrigann !!!
Birthday smackeroos, nebris !!!
And, as always, a very sad Happy Birthday today, to Michael Jackson, and Hurricane Katrina.
Also Birthdday wishes to John McCain. Hey, he's a kind of okay fellow. For a Republican.

Oh and, not for nothin’, but... Is that Miley Cyrus person 18 yet???? Somebody please tell me yes, or I’m going to feel like the world’s biggest pedo.

quote, saints, telley, rant, b-days, katrina, random

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