Quote of the week:

Nov 03, 2008 10:10

High-Five to strangelet for this:

"...I'd rather eat cyanide than have that inexperienced, uneducated, daddy-worshiping whore run this country.

I may love guns and anarchy, but her bullets are emblazoned with the demise of free speech..."

I still want to see her turned out as a sub-slave though.

Oh and here's one for you:
13-Year-Old Rape Victim Stoned To Death In Somalia For Adultery
I guess nobody likes a tattle-tail?
Can't win for losing?
Somebody help me out here; is it just me or does shit like this in the world make everybody want to go on a kill-crazy rampage? Stupid extremist fucks.

And remind me again; Nicolas Sarkozy was a member of some fascist party or something, right?
French pirates face net cut-off
Who the fuck wants a "civilised internet"??? Like I want to have to find something else to do with 90% of my anger and insanity.
Course I totally see lucrative enterprise coming of this. Like back in the 80s, when I was sending copies of 2 Live Crew CDs to friends in South Florida, where they were banned.

Gimme something stupid and funny, PLEASE before I friggin snap...!
...Oh. Okay, here: Bonehead-Of-The-Day Award; UK Police Spend £35K For A New Logo That Looks Exactly Like The Old Logo (The good news for them is that nobody will ever notice) .
Nice to know that somebody's got money enough to blow on stupid shit.

news, !!!!!vote!!!!!, rant, random, politics

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