Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..

Jan 30, 2008 15:13

I am so freaking bored!
Make it stop!!!

And I'm anxious because all of the stuff I bought on eBay is all paid for, but I've yet to receive anything. Which is annoying, because one thing that I'm supposed to get should have gotten here by now. Ughhhh!! Derik bought something last year off of eBay, for a gift for me, but he never received it, and it cost him $20. After that I had stopped eBaying for a while. Then he started eBaying again, and I got back into it and since have bought 11 things.. and so far I've gotten none. Ugh.. Hopefully things start coming now. One thing that Derik bought hadn't come, but this morning we told me the tracking number and we found where it is, so he's going to go get it after school. I want my poster, though!!! Make it come?
Also, I think that I want some new userpics, but I'm sad because I can't make them because I only have crap programs now, and I don't like them. Blah.
I like making shrink art. :)

Does anyone even read this?
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