~I'm Giving Up On Love...Cuz Love's Given Up On Me

Nov 08, 2005 17:13


1. Bubblegum: Strawberry Bubblelicious 
2. restaurant: Chili's(new found fav lol)
3. drink: Hot chocolate...or Lemonade
4. season: Summer
5. type of weather: Sunny and warm...Not sweltering hot
6. emotion: Hyper and surprised
7. what to do on a half day: Eventful day with my favorite people
8. late-night activity: A party is always a good time but I definately do not mind cuddling up at home with someone
9. sport: Softball
10. city: I have not been many places but my favorite place that I have been was Myrtle Beach
11. store: I don't kno that I have one

___When was the last time you___

12. cried: yesterday...
13. played a sport: yesterday was the powder puff game
14. laughed: today
15. hugged someone: today
16. kissed someone: like a week ago
17. felt depressed: i wouldn't say depressed...but i was upset last night for the first time in a while
18. felt overworked: Last week...school is rough
19. faked sick: I tried today...but my mom caught me lol
20. lied: I'm a terrible liar...therefore I really don't do it much so I don't remember the last time

___What was the last___

21. word you said: bye bye to my brother-in-law

22. thing you ate: Milk Duds 
23. song you listened to: Chris Brown - Run it
24. thing you drank: water
25. place you went to: school
26. movie you saw:  I'm gunna go with Sandlot 
27. movie you rented: Amityville Horror...

___Who was the last person you___

28. hugged: Audrey
29. cried over: Kyle
30. kissed: Shawn
31. danced with: Lo lol 
32. shared a secret with: I'm gunna go with Gina or Christina possibly Lo
33. had a sleep over with: Homecoming at my house 
34. called: Gina
35. went to a movie with: Rebekah and her sisters
36. saw: I just saw my mom but the last person outside the family would be Christina
37. were angry with: My mom
38. couldn't take your eyes off of: uhhh...
39. obsessed over: That's a stupid thing to do

___Have you ever___

40. danced in the rain: OMG yes I love it and I suggest it to everyone
43. smoked a cigar: nope
44. partied all night: yupperz
45. had a movie marathon: of course...who hasnt?
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: man I miss those days lol. 
48. taken a survey like this before: mhmmmm

___Your life___

49. name: Kelly
50. gender: Female
51. birthday: April 10, 1988
53. nationality: Irish mostly
54. occupation: I should be getting a job at Nino's soon


55. I'm feeling: Stressed and upset...yet somehow in a good mood...lol does that make sense?

56. i'm listening to: Miranda Lambert - Kerosene 
58. i'm talking to: no one...I'm on an a/m
59. i'm craving: Sleep and food lol
60. i'm thinking of: all the things that I need to do...
61. i'm hating: school!


62. love is: amazing...while it lasts
63. have you ever cheated on someone: hell no! And I NEVER will...cheaters make me sick!
64. are you with someone now: no
65. ever been in love, or are now: yes i have...
66. best love song: O man... good question...I'm gunna have to stick with Edwin McCain - I Could Not Ask For More
67. is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: definately not!  Love is love and you can't share that same kind of love for more then one person at once

68. when love hurts: it kills....
69. is there such thing as love @ first sight: no...just lust that becomes love

___Opposite sex___

70. turn ons: Sense of humor is key! I like when a guy can be goofy and weird like I am too...A physical turn on is the eyes and smile...I also like them tall lol just taller then me tho so that can be ne one hahahah 
71. turn offs: conceeted and cocky...also lack of respect
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you: absolutely.
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into: Depends on the guy...some can work the long hair and some can work the short...just dont try working something u cant lol
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you: I LOVE surprises 
75. where do you go to meet new people: ummm....
76. are you the type of person to "holla" and ask for numbers: no...I'm a surprisingly shy person when it comes to that

___Picky ___

77. dog or cat: PUPPY!
78. short or long hair: Depends

79. sunshine or rain: definately sunshine
80. hugs or kisses: depends who its from
81. summer or winter: summer
82. written letters or e-mails: written
83. playstation or motorcycle: ummmm?
85. house party or club: idk...i guess it depends on the house...cuz my friends n I love to dance 
86. sing or dance: sing
87. freak or slow dance: lmfao!! freak fo sho! lmao


88. how are you today?: Doing OK
89. what pants are you wearing right now?: basketball Shorts
90. what shirt are you wearing right now?: hoodie
91. what does your hair look like at the moment?: up in a messy/curly bun
92. what song are you listening to right now?: Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband - Dream Big
93. how is the weather right now?: cloudy and cold
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone?: my brother- in - law Scott
95. last dream u can remember? not something i wanna think about...

Alrighty then.... that was just waaaay too much fun for me lol.  I have tons n tons of hw to get to so I'm gunna go get to that...I'll update later with prolly another one of these surveys b/c i dont feel like making up my own entry HAHA

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