It's been a while

Oct 15, 2003 20:33

Wow, I almost forgot about this thing. Actually I really didn't, I just wanted to go away from it for a while. I get kind of bored writing about my pretty boring life sometimes. It's been six months since my last entry and in that time so many things have changed. Lets start with the more important things.

The day after my last entry I got into a really bad accident with my mom. We hit a tree and I could have died.

A few days later it was my birthday and finally I could buy cigarettes legally. The wonders of being 18 are endless.

I had my six monthiversary with Dan on the 26th of April

I'm sure a lot of other really cool things happened, but I don't really remember them

So in June I graduated from High School, one of the strangest feelings in the world. Not too sure how I feel about it anymore.

I was very lazy over the summer and didn't work until August.

Got a job at American Eagle, met some really cool people, and made some good friends

Went to Boston to see Kate, and am now awaiting my next visit to Bean Town

Next week is my anniversary, I'm so excited!! I can't believe that I've been with Dan for so long, it feels like we just met the other day...time flys when your having fun. I hate my classes at Dutchess and can't wait to get the hell out of there. It really drives me crazy everyday going to that dreadful place. The only thing that I enjoy about it is my daily stoge with Heather after we eat our slice of pizza and the strange chats we have while enjoying the sweet sweet nicotine in our lungs.

Anyway, I really miss my friends, especially Kate. It's not as bad as I thought it would be though. She is doing really well, and generally I see her every two weeks, so it's cool....I go there, she comes home, I go there she comes home...pretty neat!

This is the end of my entry, lord only knows when the next one will be, but I'm taking Dan to see The Starting Line tomorrow night at the Chance. I'm sure the whole town of Pawling will in fact be there, so maybe I'll see some people I really don't want to see and I'll have something interesting to talk about next time I write

Until then...peace out dawgs =)
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