School Sucks

Jan 02, 2003 16:54

Today was the first day back to school. I hate school. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good break. Mine was a lot of fun. I didn't really do much, but I had a good time, and liked relaxing, even though I was sick for most of it.

Happy New Year to everyone. I still don't understand what the big deal is about it anyway. Everyone gets so pumped for a ball to drop. Why don't we have a big celebration for the start of every new month? It really boggles my mind.

This New Years kinda sucked. Actually, it sucked a lot. Dan stayed over though, so we had a good night. We watched a bunch of movies and went to bed. It wasn't too exciting, but it was nice to spend lots of time together. We had so much fun yesterday, it was probably the best day I've had in a long time.

I hate siblings sometimes, they are so annoying. Always nagging about something...

Gotta go clean my room, it's so messy and dirty that it's beginning to smell weird in there. Better do something about it I guess...

Everyone pray for no school tomorrow, and good driving conditions...later!
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