Snagged from
michaela0823 What are your nicknames?
Most people call me Kell, but the adventurous one(s)-Rose_Sparrow mostly-call me a lot of different names: Kari, TK, Gus…etc (McLain, McCarthrage, Mc…you get the idea right?)
How do you style your hair?
Not really. I occasionally get into a mood where I’ll mess with it but that’s VERY rare.
What's the last book you read?
“Living a Fairytale” by C. Lynn Hayden and the first two graphic novels of Buffy (season 8)
What color shirt are you wearing now?
Grey hoodie over a black “No Guts, No Glory” shirt.
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Extrovert…I think.
Is your ear itchy?
Should it be? My nose does though.
Do you nap a lot?
Not really. I’m a bad college student.
Who was the last person you hugged?
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Finishing Canterwick: Part two or Psych.
What was the last thing you ate today?
Blueberry Yogurt.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
10, 15 min at school, 2-3, here.
What websites do you visit daily?
-LJ, Facebook, gaia
What classes are you taking right now? And if you're not in school anymore, what's your job?
College Algebra, intro to the New Testiment, intro to lit, intro to psych, and others
Do you like to clean?
No, not like. But I’ll do it.
What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
“I know, You know”
What cell phone model do you own?
What is your favorite weather?
75-ish, warm ground so I don’t have to wear shoes, and just a light breeze occasionally to keep you cool.
How are you?
Anxious for filling out applications again.
Where would you see yourself in ten years?
Hopefully dating, my 3rd (maybe even 5th) book published and people reading them. Oh, and graduated and done with school.