Apr 11, 2004 21:18
hahah read this song its soo great haha:
Styrof0am Nipple: Im gonna sing a song hmm...let me think
kelker085: ahhaha ok good
Styrof0am Nipple: Its about cheese
kelker085: OOO YEA!!!
Styrof0am Nipple: My sexy cheese is lookin` good, my sexy cheese is lookin tasty, my sexy cheese is look very yellow, hey buddy don`t be hasty.Should i take a bite, thinkin about it gives me a friiiiiigt.........
Styrof0am Nipple: BUT NO! I have to keep my sexy chees safe form that deviant unsafe kelly! (Is she smelly?)
Styrof0am Nipple: ....
Styrof0am Nipple: that chours
Styrof0am Nipple: but thers more to it
Styrof0am Nipple: NAH buddy, she isn`t smelly she`s theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (FAST) once red haired rubin,evil smiling toaster oven, pirate luvin,lasy who`s grandy parents descended from duuuublin!,.. pause].......(slow) little KELKER D!
Styrof0am Nipple: [2ND VERSE]
kelker085: oooooo i love it sooo much
Styrof0am Nipple: So you might say kelly is evil for ploting to take me cheese, you might even say she gots fleas, but NO! she is still my buddy long to be!!!!(i hope).....
Styrof0am Nipple: she`s theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (FAST) once red haired rubin,evil smiling toaster oven, pirate luvin,lasy who`s grandy parents descended from duuuublin!,.. pause].......(slow) little KELKER D!
Styrof0am Nipple: So you might ask where i keep my sexy cheese safe, only one place for that...JORDY`S PANTS! Yes JORDYS PANTS! Not full of ants..Its in JORDYS PANTS!!!!!!!!! FO REAL FOO`?
Styrof0am Nipple: THE END
HAHAHAH that is me favorite song ahhahah!