Jul 03, 2005 20:17
I feel happy. Euphoric. Elated. Eadestic! So many synonyms for happy begin with E, even though that last one was made up. I'm not actually that astoundingly happy, but I'm in a pretty good mood. I think it's because I realized this summer will be better than I originally thought it would be. I think that has a little to do with the fact that work has been better lately and not such a burden to go to.
So what did I do since Tuesday? Well, Wednesday through Friday was Natural Helpers training and I went all three days to run activities, get free food, and play cards with Chelsea and Tim. Friday was especially fun because Caitlin, Kurt, and Marcy came too and we hung out in the hallway and slapped tables loudly while playing Egyptian Ratscrew. Sharing was fun then too. I really loved Chelsea's inspirational Coke-in-a-bottle story and Caitlin's moving crutch-related lesson. Kurt and I are in agreement that she was really cute. Then Kurt and Marcy did time steps in the middle of the circle and I was way impressed.
We got our report cards yesterday. I am quite happy with myself. Quite quite quite. Mostly because my Chemistry regents grade from last year is going to hell since I now have two science regents grades that are higher than it. Go Kelly? Yes, I think so.
Speaking of things that are going to hell, let's talk about Kurt. Yes, Kurt, like my Chem regents, is headed below because while we were at Natural Helpers he was making fun of Caitlin for being a gimp. He was all like "CRIPPLECRIPPLECRIPPLECRIPPLE" just as this man in a wheelchair rolled past him. But Kurt isn't all bad. In fact, I am taking him out to dinner if I get a good grade on my AP Euro exam because I found him at the Audubon Library a day or two before my exam and he helped me study. We talked about this yesterday at about midnight on the phone. How I loathe the phone.
Friday Brigal, Chelsea, and I went shopping for awhile and then we went back to Bri's house where we had a crazy dance party. Bri definItely unleashed her wild side and started dancing on the coffee table on top of all the cards. She also got out the chair and the pole. Her dancing was so hot that my Kong in a thong hide against the wall and masturbated. And we do have proof of that
Tomorrow is the 4th of July! I really wish I lived in Connecticut for the 4th of July because I always have these visions of Connecticutians having huge picnics all day long with potato salad and I want to go to something like that. Usually I do nothing until nightime when we walk a block over and watch fireworks that are partially concealed by trees. But tomorrow I've got big plans. My mom and I are going to see War of the Worlds, then at five I'm going to Lauren's house for swimming and dinner, and then I think I'm going to see the fireworks with my mom because she's all alone and I feel bad because I think she's lonely since nobody is ever home. I hope nobody has a problem with that too, and hopefully I can come back Lauren's afterwards? Is it a sleepover? Shall we see?
Oh yeah, if you're Chris, Chelsea, Caitlin, or Nick and you realize that I am home afterall and not at my trailer, I'm sorry I couldn't come over. We were going to go, but that got cancelled and then I fell asleep and by the time I woke up it was too late. I sure hope the pool lights weren't purple.