
Jun 11, 2005 16:53

Took it from Chelbean...

1.FULL Name: Kelly mumblemumble Roberts
2. Nicknames: Kelrob Leeberts
3. Nationality: Swedish, Irish, Polis, and then a mixture of a bunch of stuff
4. Feet size: Feet size? Okay. 10--sounds big, but if you've ever seen me in smaller shoes (like Bri's size 6 1/2) you know it's just right for me
5. Do you have a crush: Tee hee
6. Age you act sometimes: It fluctuates between the 6 to 10 range, now, and adult age haha, I'm pretty versatile
7. Where Do You Live: Buffalo-ish
8. Where you want to live: someplace where I can walk to wherever I want to go
9. Birthplace: Buffalo
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: Italian, even though we've been getting this stuff lately that tastes like vomit
11. Ever gone skinny dipping?: Yup, you haven't lived until you've skinny dipped

12. What are you watching?: These letters being typed
13. Last person you talked to verbally: myself
14. Favorite movie: I don't have one, but lately I really like Star Wars, The Breakfast Club, and I liked Sin City
15. Favorite Book: I have a few, but I don't want to express favoritism in case fictional characters (or Chelsea) become offended
16. Favorite type of music: ha
17. Favorite types of cars: one that move
18. Favorite Actor/Actress: I don't really care
19. Favorite Saying: ...of the moment- Chiggity chaw!
20. Favorite Fast Food: onion rings, un yun rinnng

21. Favorite Ice Cream- I don't know, I need variety, it's the spice of life you know

22. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Not sure, but according to a quiz I took once I AM a cosmopolitan, how about that!?
23. When Do You Go To Sleep: When I'm a good girl- 11:00, otherwise- whenever I get tired
24. Most Embarrassing Moment: I can't think of anything that is that bad, I don't know. I guess I let things go, even the "talent show"
25. Craziest Person you know: Tim?
26. Favorite holiday: Christmas, definately!
27. Favorite Food: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and marinated cucumbers
28. Favorite Song: :) Changes
29. Favorite Television Show(s): I basically watch whatever is on at the moment
30. Favorite Radio Station: Star because that's what my dad listens to so I can turn it on and not be annoyed by his noise
31. Favorite junk food: Popcorn, mais explose
32. Favorite color hair: I like them all for different reasons

33. Favorite color: Yellow
34. Favorite Sneakers: the brown and pinks ones
35. Favorite video game: Zelda: Ocarina of Time

36. Favorite animal: Lambs

37. Favorite fragrance: new shoes, not as a perfume, but whenever I go to payless or something, I can't stop smelling them. It might be a problem?

Section 2: THE FUTURE:
1. School: I feel like this is a session with Mr.Colvin
2. Where You Want To Live: Not someplace where my house will get destroyed

3. How Many Kids You Want: Right now- 0
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: Something I like, maybe English-related
5. Wedding dress color: White
6. Bridesmaids dresses: I'm not one of those weird people who plans this out when I'm 16
7. Age to wed: oh god
8. Wedding: Yeah, outside is nice

9. Honeymoon: my island that Zach is going to buy for me
10. Favorite baby girl's name(s): Sha-di-sha

11. Favorite baby boy's name(s): Beaunataurial

12: Future Pets: Dog, cat, birds, fish, lambs....can I have a farm, actually?

Section 3: HAVE YOU EVER:
1. Been In Jail: Nope
2. Done Drugs: No, I don't even like medical drugs
3. Run Away From Home: Yeah, when I was in elementary school, but not seriously
4. Said I love you and meant it: To my friends and family

5. Lied: Yes, but I don't anymore

6. Stolen Anything: When I was little, and...the chocolate!

7. Broken A Bone: yep

8. Cheated On A Test: In 4th grade I went back to the verbal section of a standardized test when we were supposed to be on math
9. Cheated On A girlfriend: you caught me
10.Cheated On A boyfriend: nope
11. Gotten Drunk: not me
12. Been In The Hospital: uh-huh, not overnight though
13. Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah, I try to keep that to a minimum though
14. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: Nope, not a water baby like Uncle Paul
15. Gone to Church: Yay God!
16. Never slept during a night: All the time
17. Been on a hike: Many
18. Been to a camp: For 5 years
19. Sat in a restaurant without ordering: I think that's called loitering?
20. Seen someone die: Yep, if I was in Harry Potter I would be able to see the horses that pull the carriages
21. Gone a week without shaving: Yup 
22. Didn't wash your hair for a week: Maybe when I was at camp and it was pretty much a rule that you had to be disgusting
23. Broken something valuable: LP's glass parrot in 5th grade
24. Knew you were in love: I don't really believe in that
25. Streaked the streets: When I was a baby

1. Coke Or Pepsi: Pepsi

2. Cats Or Dogs: both
3. Dvds or VHS: DVDs.
4. Deaf Or Blind: I can't decide! I think about it all the time!
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot pools?
6. TV Or Radio: TV.
7. Cds Or mp3's: CDs, that's all I have

8. Apples or oranges: Oranges.
9. Gap or Old Navy: Old Navy

1. Took A Shower: A few hours ago

2. Cried: A few days ago, no big deal though- crying is necessary for a lot of things, even if you don't mean it

3. Watched a Disney movie: Chelsea and I watched that ice-skating Disney Channel movie "Christie Yamaguchi, take me away!"
4. Given/gotten a hug: Today, I give and get hugs basically freely! I love them

5. Been to the movies: Thursday I saw episode 3 with my brother
6. Kissed someone: I kissed my mom this morning

Section 6: WHAT IS:
1. Your Fondest memory Of This year: Too many
2. Your Most Prized Possession: my scrapbook because it has my life in it haha and my pillow because I just love it
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: Friends/Family/Laughing

1. Bill Clinton: Pretty fly for a president

2. Love at First Sight: It's a nice idea, but does it exist?
4. Pot: Good for making spaghetti in

5. Eating disorders: More than just about food
6. Rap: I'm pretty good at that
7. Marilyn Manson: I looked like him in this one picture, it was freaky
8. Premarital sex: I don't care, when you're ready is what counts
9. Suicide: Really sad, wish I could stop it
10. Drinking: I don't care about that either as long as people are responsible and don't drive or think drinking makes them cool, way to go- you consumed a beverage!
11. Life: Love it
12. Death: Inevitable, gives life meaning though.
13. God: I think He's there somewhere, but I don't think anyone really knows that much about him.

1. What are your favorite pieces of jewelry/accessories: my charm bracelet
2. Have you ever liked someone too young for you? I once thought this freshman was cute, but I usually like people who are too old because "older boys, older boys are cute"
3. Do you think you have multiple personalities? sometimes? don't we all?

4. Ever walked in on someone changing or showering? yeah, not lately though
5. What is the first thing you say on the phone? Hello, or hi if I know the person
6. What are you wearing? capris and a tank top
7. What did you do yesterday? School-performance final-home-ice cream-home-sleep
11. Who is your role model? Why? My mom because she's had a hard life and yet she still has a really positive outlook and she made her life a success all by herself.
12. What are some of your pet peeves: food noises, hypocrites who don't think they are, people who are too dumb to have a argument with evidence and resort to stupid things, instigators, big egos
13. Have you ever liked someone you didnt have a chance with: Yup, not like I have low self-confidence or anything, but there's always certain circumstances haha--like if the person doesn't know your name----FUZZZZZZZZ!
14. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: Probably when I was lame and in middle school
15. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: I don't go after people
16. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): Not so much lied as omitted the truth
17. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: Yeah, once my dad did something  (I don't remember what) so I pulled all the ties out of his drawer and tried to convince my mom he did it.
18. Would you rather be the dumper or the dumped?: It sucks either way, I guess dumper though, even though it's hard because you don't want to hurt the person
19. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": Both have pros and cons

20. Want someone you don't have right now: Maybe?
21. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: Yup
22. Do you want to get married: Depends, I don't think that far into the future
23. Do you want kids: Not as of now
24. Do you believe in psychics: I would need to meet one

25. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no.
26. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my cuticles. They're cute. Icles.
27. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: My emotional being? Um, maybe that I basically understand it all the time?
28. Are you happy with you: Yup, I know I have my problems, but who doesn't?
29. Are you happy with your life: Yes, it's the only one I've got. Unless I get reincarnated. Then I have a few.
30. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?: My indecisiveness and some situations.

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