Apr 10, 2005 23:32
I cant help it but to care. To see someone so great go down because of something that is replaceable by someone who is even greater. This feeling that I have right now is the worst feeling ever get from a friend. I have always been there for my friends, & I'm for one who would NEVER create pain for a friend. I'm not the friend who tells there other friends to do this. I will sit & listen & cry with you & I will also give you choices better yet I will analyze the situation with you & help you come up with a solution. But when it starts to involve abuse that puts me in a position. Saying things to bring you down is verbal abuse...getting you to beleive that its your fault is mental abuse. You shouldn't ever have to say "Yes its my fault I'm sorry" to get them to come back. If they cant see that they too also helped out with creating the problem then there not worth your presents. But I know for a fact that I cant give up, & this may be the beginning of a very hurtful situation. Tho I'm going to just see past the hurtful things that may come from this cause I'M going to get you through this & hopefully get you to see what EVERYONE else sees. I just cant sit here & see you get destroy when your such a beautiful, talented, wonderful, bright young women. I want that cheerful person back...
--I may write more...after my head clears up alittle.--