Aug 30, 2007 10:27
I'm sitting in my office on my last day of work. It's been a very interesting summer, I must say. The job had both its good and bad points. I really enjoyed doing stuff with the students and bonding and everything, and it was interesting to see the other side of youth ministry, the "behind the scenes" if you will. Plus I did get to hang out with Cara the whole summer, which was AMAZING. :D On the other hand, sometimes the logistical details were really frustrating, and I never really know what to expect from my boss (who shall remain nameless). She sometimes did things that bugged me for various reasons. I think overall, I would have enjoyed the job a lot less if Cara hadn't done it with me.
One thing that was hard sometimes was figuring out how to be a leader instead of a student. A lot of the older high school students were in the youth group when I was, and I've grown up with a lot of them, so it was easy to fall back into just being one of them and not really being a leader. But I think I did an ok job. I do think the kids respond better when they know their leader is on their side, and that's what I tried to do. I didn't try to be the cell phone/iPod nazi or anything, just let them do their thing. I always tried to keep in mind what I liked and didn't like in my leaders when I was a student, and to do the things I remembered liking.
I think this job gave me a better idea of how much work goes into youth ministry. There was a lot of planning involved on top of just the driving and the supervising, and a lot of little details had to be taken care of. I definitely also became a better driver, especially of those big scary cars that I hated driving until this summer. Now I'm excited when I get to drive my mom's Tahoe. :D
So all in all, good summer... but I'm glad to be finishing and going back to SLO soon.