
May 10, 2014 02:26

This was my response to a discussion on Face Book that covered "Straight Pride."
So if a gay person can "pass" for straight they are OK but if not it's a problem? Sort of like light skinned blacks "passing" as white? Intolerance only if you don't fit someone's definition of what you MUST be is still intolerance. Blacks were treated like shit and there is still resentment (white devil, cracker, honky.) Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders get treated like shit for the sin of NOT FITTING IN so they form their own ghettos (West Hollywood, the Castro, P'town, Key West) where they feel safer (but not truly safe) and in their ghetto they have been know to turn the table on "breeders" (oh shit we have an insulting term for straights!) I have gay friends that detest non gays, I have pagan friends that hate Christians. I can pass and the majority of my friends are straight and Christian. I could not comprehend wanting to change my gender and I thought "trans" (they mostly hate that term) people were crazy, until I made a friend who was and I realized they were not crazy just different and that is only a problem if one to too narrow minded to accept being different. Grow up, realize some people are assholes, some people will hate you just because they can and stop thinking one person is a perfect representation of a group they are part of. Tolerance like intolerance is taught and learned. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes in order to know them. Don't be an asshole.

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