Disc trouble

Aug 02, 2013 16:10

I am at work, waiting for a CD to do something. Anything, to be honest: I've tried going through and opening series of images (which is why I've got it, to upload brain scans to the database), but it takes forever and then they won't load because they're just 'files' not a particular format. The downloaders supplied on the CD, either of them, also either won't load at all, take ages to do anything and then tell you it's impossible or simply crash. The same series of discs were fine before: they might have hundreds of images on, but they didn't take this long. Maybe it's because it's Friday and it's hot... Anyway, I'm updating while I wait for it.

Other than that, work goes on: I've been helping out with a different trial recently so now I'm catching up on my actual trial, and websites and data corrections are moving along fine. Our newest recruit Kathy is a gamer, which is good because I don't have to rant on just to Mark now :D

Went to the Waddington Airshow beginning of July: it was the start of the hot period, but it was actually alright, even if we (I dragged Matt with me) did get a bit burned in places! Nothing terrible though. Saw the Vulcan, pretty much the reason I spent £44 on tickets, and the Patrouille de France (the reason we went Saturday) were good as ever. Bets bit though was probably the Swedish SAAB Historical Flight: they brought their Tunnan, '105' and Viggen over! I've seen the '105' in its 105Ö guise with the Austrian Air Force multiple times (including in Austria on maneouvres) but never a Tunnan or, more importantly, a Viggen! It was really exciting :D Matt also made daft comments, especially when we walked around the static display. None of which I can remember now, or would be worthwhile repeating out of context!

CD Update:OK, it doesn't want to open the first program on the CD I tried. I think it might need XP (not Windows 7) as it's the same error message as another disc which worked fine on Tanya's XP Mac-overlay...

We've also been out and about to Twycross Zoo with the Sweeneys and I visited Mangapps Farm Railway Museum with Dad's RCTS group: it's a special open access club night and John Jolly puts on train rides too: this time we got to have a go in the only caboose in Europe! It was a lot of fun, standing at the top of the lookout area and clinging on for dear life :D Also while in Essex i discovered Matalan were selling work-suitable shorts: now I can wear shorts or skirts or trousers, ha ha ha ha ha!

Garden-wise, we've had a MASSIVE crop of raspberries, strawberries and redcurrants! About 4kg of raspberries and 3kg each of the other 2! Also got a load of fat blackcurrants and there's still a ton (about 2kg I reckon) of gooseberries to pick. I've also started scrumping the blackberries from the rough ground beyond the railway bridge: not like there aren't enough to go around; take a look at the next blackberry/bramble you see!

House-wise, things continue to get worse. We've still not done the guttering and the upstairs sink 'broke' Monday. We fixed it last night, sort of: the push-to-close, push-to-open stupid plug got stuck, actually under its own rubber seal! Managed to wangle it out with a knife, but now we've removed the plug bit so it's just an open sink. Still good for handwashing but anything requiring the sink to be filled needs to be done downstairs, although I've jury-rigged the plug from the spare sink downstairs (in the washhouse) but I don't trust it yet ;P We only got one quote back for the works (from 4 people looking) and it was the people who need 2-3 months notice :( Today I'm starting Round 2 of Quote Gathering and seeing if I can't actually get somewhere this time!

Last weekend I had a massive baking day: I needed to use up a load of eggs, so I made brownies and pecan pie from the Ultimate Chocolate Book Tabi got me for a Christmas and Ninjagingerbread off the back of the ninjabread men cutters packet. It's the first time I've made actual real gingerbread, albeit still using wholewheat flour, as last time I put all sorts of random spices in it. I am reliable informed by both mine and Matt's work colleagues that the gingerbread and brownies are amazing, and by friends and my work colleagues that the pecan pie is also up to scratch!

Yesterday, I finished rereading my last book in the Prince Ivan series by petermorwood and am massively inspired to run some sort of Russian history-fantasy mashup RPG... I might even go so far as to contact Monica White in RSS and see what she suggests as reading material, or if she can help getting hold of some of the books in the Bibliographies.

Can't think of much else, so I'll leave you for the weekend!

Sahha ohrain.

parents, work, aircraft, essex, airshow, homestuffs, rpg, out and about, russian, baking, family

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