Interviews and Interpreting

Aug 30, 2012 11:21

Today I had an interview for Student Services at the University of Nottingham. It went alright, but I'm not sure I'm really as suited to the role as some other people might be. Still, I'll be happy if I get it, even though it is only 15hrs a week over lunchtime! I finished work on Friday so I'm a free-but-penniless woman for some time now!

Tomorrow I'm off to Russia for 2 nights. Yes, a lastminute trip to see the 200th anniversary reenactment of the Battle or Borodino. My ex-landlord and gaming friend Rob is taking me as interpreter and our mutual friend Neil (Old Neil). I'm excited and terrified: I'm going to Russia with two people who're relying on my for all their communication needs, and my Russian is, well, bloody poor at the moment! I intend on watching some Midsomer Murders in Russian as revision after finding all my Russian books upstairs, so I can 'revise' on the plane to Moscow. It'll be nice to go back to Domodedovo though: there's a lovely 'stuffed' Russian plane outside which I only have on film/prints: the last time I went to Moscow all I had was a film camera, my old Pentax ME Super SLR. Now I have my Nikon D40 DSLR and a little Samsung point&shoot. We're going to the smaller reenactment/day on the Saturday, and I hope to get some CD shopping in on the Sunday morning as Epidemia have since released the follow-up to their Metal Opera as well as some other material. I won't be buying any Aria stuff though: the new guy's just not as good as Kipelov. Unless I can get another tshirt or something ;) Also might try and smuggle some syrok back :D Still, we're only in Russia for about 46hrs so I'm not going to worry that my language is shocking because it's still better than my cotravellers'! I'll be making a proper write-up of the trip too, for academic purposes!

Wish me luck negotiating the railway ticket office!

Sahha ohrain.

reenactment, work, russia

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