A semi-proper update.

Nov 30, 2009 23:07

So, what's happened in the World of Dawn since last I wrote properly? Well, quite a bit actually! This is in no particular order...

I taxed my car: I drove it back down to Essex and therefore spent £45 on the MOT and about £30 on the petrol, but also got food and stuff while I was there off the family. Was good to see my parents and Nan again, and I got to see my cousin Diane for the first time in ages. New tax disc kicks in tomorrow and I need to remember to change the disc in the window before I help Dave move house.

I've been to see lil_gothic_me_2 in Leicester quite a bit: nothing much has really happened but I feel it worh mentioning that I've not just been sat on my arse or even in Nottingham half the time. Has been a welcome break from jobsearching etc. and a welcome girlie chat time!

Other girlie chats have occured with Emilie, with whom I'm off to a Christmasy concert on Friday.

Uni's not been too bad, but 9-7 with an hour for lunch at 1 and a voluntary drop-in at 5 is killing me. Not to say I'm missing a test on the last week thanks to a prebooked holiday, which will likely give me 0% for a third of the module. Other than that, I'm actually doing rather well, I think! Coursework varies between enjoyable and brain-numbing. Friends seem to be in much the same boat except for the missing of aforementioned test.

Waiting for my goddamn plants to die! Remember those geraniums I mentioned? Well, they're doing too damn fine as well, but these buggers are the petunias and bizzy lizzies in the pots by the door: very susceptible to frost but the little bastards are still flowering! The bulbs should have been in a month: they're just lucky I've not yanked them put because it's been too wet when I've had time/inclination... Hopefully the damn things will die in tonight's frost.

Had a great birthday: Hazel and Alistair came up from Essex to see me, as did my parents a few days before, and I went out lots of times! I got lots of nice presents including a Valkyrie model from Matt because he was going to buy me something useful but it was my birthday, apparently :) I also discovered the joy of Elderflower and Lime Kopparberg: my two favourite juice flavours in one!

This also means I've been making lots of cakes and have been buying more butter than I care to believe. I noticed tonight, too, that Sainsbury's Basics chocolate has gone down in price by more than 5p :D Castle Marina still have loads of Wispa Gold left too, and on 2 for 80p.

Been playing a lot of Mordheim recently: started a Beastmen Raiders warband and it's been a good laugh so far...

Right, I think I'm going to give up trying to update and go to bed. Enjoy!

Sahha ohrain.

birthday, garden, essex, mates, weather, tabletop, uni, baking

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