I'm currently reorganising the filing system here at Jacobs Cost Consultancy, on Lee's authority. Of course, we'll have to clear it with Top Management but we've decided that, being women, we need a much clearer, more concise and more economical filing system than we already have. It doesn't help that, depending on which client you're working for, the names of fomrs, certificates and stuff keep changing! I've just completed a specialised one for the Construction Framework. We've also split it into two as there doesn't seem much point in having the post-contract stuff in the same system as the precontract when they're two separate files. I think I'll draw one each up for Warwick and Wolverhampton too.
The Easter weekend was good: I was busy making chocolate eggs, finishing off the last of my Chaos army and generally getting stuff done. This week I'm hoping to get all the basing done on my army (going for gravel and soil-substitute to add interest :D) which should take 3 days: 1 day to PVA and gravel with drying time, 1 day to drybrush this then PVA and soil-substitute with drying time, third day to varnish the lot. Then I can get on with coursework. The varnishing may not, of course, happen until it's a nice day outside as varnish is incredibly temperamental! Must remember to start on a Dark Eldar Warrior or something just to make sure I'm not going to ruin some good paintwork.
So, coursework: what is there to do?
Portfolio - need to complete drawings, take/find pictures, complete analyses/further sketches, read up on stuff; estimate 1 week's work. Due 1st May.
'Optimisation Technique' essay (approx. 2000wds) for Maths. - estimate 1 week's work total. Due 2nd May.
Measurement coursework - estimate 2 weeks work max. Due 15th May.
I'm quite worried by this and I must get the portfolio stuff finished as soon as possible. We're still doing drawings in class but if I can get the ones we've done so far and all the photograhic evidence, extra sketches and analyses of those photos and sketches done before term starts again (2 weeks) then I should be fine. I really want to start my measurement coursework because it's going to be time-consuming and I'm quite worried about it. The essay is something I can bash out in a couple of hours once I've found, read and understood the resource materials.
Then there's revision for the exams. I'll need to do a fair amount of maths. revision and Construction Practice requires me to know about cases and things, some of which I need to research. The rest should, hopefully, be straightforward as it's my day-to-day job. I've got 2 weeks between handing in the last bit of coursework and my last lot of lectures and my first exam.
After that, time to start my Chaos Army for 40k (the Daemons books will be out by then, so I'll doubtless be rejigging my Hordes of Chaos too) for playing over the summer. Having discovered Sunday mornings are relatively kiddie-free during half terms, I might wander up to WHW more often for practice. Also gives Gavin and Jack (and Rach if she's around, not
frazzled_frosty!) something other than Imperial forces to battle with; I'm playing Jack with my Tyranids this week as part of his Open War preparation. Mine's been going well in the sense of I've had plenty of practice and at 2000pts I might not win outright but I can generally not get massacred (except by the new Vampire Counts, all the time!) which means points!
Well, I'm getting back into updating this approximately fortnightly, so I'll see you all in 2 weeks!
Sahha ohrain.