bottle episode prompts

Jul 22, 2012 18:06

"Yeah? Well you can tell your disappointment to suck it. I'm doing a bottle episode!" - Jeff Winger

Because Phoenix was an epic fic with a truly impressive amount of plot and world-building (interestingly, for a story that's Earth-bound)...I need a break before I dive headfirst into anything else that has the word "subplot" in its outline. But, because of writerly reasons, that break has to still include writing.

Therefore, I'm putting out a call for bottle episode prompts. You give me a fandom, a pairing/set of characters, and an action or event. And I have to write fic that involves those people doing that a single set. When prompting, you don't need to worry about the mechanics of just how I'm going to pull that off - that's my job.

Basically I need to write something that is going to make me focus on character and dialogue, as well as creative solutions to being backed into a (literal) corner.

(I put this up on Tumblr too, but I figured I'd expand the base)
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