Grey's Anatomy Big Bang!

Mar 24, 2011 19:41

Intrigued by the subject line? Skip the pitch and go right to the info and sign up post!

hiatus [hahy-ey-tuhs] n.
1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
2. the worst three (or more) months known to fandom.

Known remedies for (2):
1. Constantly scan the internet for sporadic spoilers, speculation and rumors. (side-effects: eye strain, shoulder stiffness, frustration at lack of new information)
2. Marathon your boxed DVD sets and quote along with the show. (side-effects: not seeing the sun for days, lack of interpersonal contact, forgetting to feed your cat)
3. Participate in the ga_fanfic Big Bang hiatus project! (side-effects: none)

Combining fanfiction with videos, artwork and fanmixes, the Grey's Anatomy Big Bang is a hiatus survival like no other. Posting begins August 15th and will run right up until the premiere of Season 8 in September.

And the best part, you won't be doing this alone: there's a community available exclusively to support participants through tough weeks of characters misbehaving, plots that refuse to cooperate, and scenes that will not write themselves.

Go here for more detailed information and to sign up! We're looking for writers, vidders, artists and fanmixers!

fandom:grey's anatomy, admin:oh hai this isn't fic

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