Title: pop culture clichés catch up with you sooner or later: side a: track three: 99% of us is failure
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Mark. Mark/Callie friendship.
Summary: She's two and you’re letting her watch John Stewart?
track one: teardrop track two: once upon a time (
Walk outside, get in the car; stare at the wheel and fall apart… )
Comments 36
Beautiful story, as usual.
Mark might not be getting everything right (it's okay though - Luke was watching splatter movies and drinking bottles of sprite before he was forming understandable sentences), but his morning hugs, Daily Show reruns, and horsey rides are so incredibly endearing. Good job, you.
You know, that may explain a lot about your brother.
♥ Thanks, Calla.
The friendship with Callie feels true and real. And getting advice from Derek's mom last chapter made perfect sense. But I'm not sure if I buy Derek and Mark being on this fast track back to friendship. Even if that's what's happening on the show. I guess I'd expect Derek to be a bit of a bitch about it at first and then for the kid to bring them together over time because Mark needs Derek's help.
I would not object to a visit from Addison. But I don't know if there's realistically any way for that to happen.
a t-shirt given to him by his sister proclaiming that hyperboles are the greatest thing ever... ( ... )
Regarding their friendship: the concept of time on the show is a fairly fluid and complex and actually impenetrable thing (Bailey's nine-month pregnancy taking up four episodes versus taking three seasons to get through one year of internship, etc) so I feel that I'm validated in creating my own timeline. I guess I don't understand what purpose Derek being a bitch about "it" would really serve in this context.
AHA I LOVE THAT SHIRT (it actually exists and, sadly, I don't own it). No, in Dropsonde I had Rachel (for some completely inexplicable reason) wearing a shirt advertising a Scandinavian sperm donor agency with the tagline "Congratulations! It's a viking!" And yeah, I decided that Mark has a sister. She'll show up later.
Thank you.
Not to be crazy defensive writer, but this is the third out of at least a definite seven (I haven't decided what to do with Side B yet) and I'm a stickler for detailed outlines before I even start writing the opening paragraph of the first chapter - it's the only way I'm ever able to finish anything or not run into impenetrable writer's block. So while you have valid points, some parts that you've problemetized now have been planned to be addressed later on for a couple weeks.
I once had a shirt that proved that 1 = 2. Nevermind that you needed to do some nifty division-by-zero to get it to work out.
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