Title: Blood On The Tracks - 01 - Tangled Up in Blue
Pairing: Mark/Addison, a little Mark/Derek.
Rating: PG.
Summary: The beginning of Sara’s attempt at doing something that meshes with canon plot and canon characters even if they don’t always mesh with each other within canon. Follow? Starts the night of adultery and shall follow the show
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Comments 27
I loved the characterization of Mark in the beginning (well, all of it really) not being exactly sure what to do when Addison was upset.
“Allergies, Addison, pull your head out of the gutter,” he explains when she gives him a look. Hehe. And Mark saying the word "cuddle."
He tugs off his shirt - it has Addison’s tears and eyeliner on it That broke my heart, as did the number positioning of contacts on Derek's speed dial.
I was waiting for one of your new fics to hit my flist and YAY. *excited*
I don't understand how people can HIGHLIGHT the proper products, clearly see (because of said highlighting) that there's a whole number quantity sold, and go to transcribe the information onto another sheet and suddenly think that 34 is 0. People could've saved me twenty minutes today - three times - if they'd learned to read. I don't give a shit if they can count just...read. It's a number. It's not that hard. /rant
♥ thank you love. My goal for this fic is to make Mark, well, male.
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I lovelovelove this.
Thank you, dear.
it's always a ginormous challenge to make sense out of the whacked-out world of canon, but you're taking it on and doing beautifully. can't wait for the next chapter(s)!
Yes, we'll see how much sense I can make of it. Thanks, love.
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