Title: Riku's Glasses
kel_fishFandom: Kingdom Heeeaaaaaarts
Pairing: Riku/Sora
Rating: M (or NC-17? Sora does some interesting things with his mouth and Riku is much pleased)
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts belongs to SquareEnix, Disney, and others who aren’t I.
Author's Note: So... some of you might remember
Sora's Socks from... a year ago. This is
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I think I might snag your icon, actually, for the story, if that's all right. I wanted to make a screencap of the fanart you showed me awhile back but that didn't exactly pan out. At least I still have the screencap... and I still stare at it sometimes...
Glad you enjoyed! You should've seen me writing it. I'm at Casey's and I keep spacing out and laughing under my breath and hunching over until my head is nearly on the keyboard and I'm just looking up at the monitor with this lazy smile on my face. Then Casey read it over and she was laughing and humming and making firework-type sounds. That is, noises that appreciate fireworks; she wasn't yelling "BOOM!" and "CRACKLE!"
I figure it's just their nature to be competitive, and I try to find the tone they have from Riku's perspective in CoM. Btw, have you ever seen the poems from Sora to Riku and vice versa at the end of each of their respective sides in the game? I mean, I know the poems are double-sided and all-encompassing, but I love them. It's like the wrote them for a lit. class assignment or something and even if they didn't intentionally write them for each other they came out that way.
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The beginning of KHI is interesting as well, shows the competitive side of their relationship, but my favorite to watch is the end of Reverse/Rebirth, with Riku telling Namine he'll be there to scold Sora for taking a nap when there's work to be done. That and his genuine shock when not-Sora attacks him before he realizes it's Zexion. It's refreshing to see, that's all I'm saying.
Lately I've been thinking about writing something sort of based around those two poems, find a tone that fits right and mesh them together in a fic that doesn't necessarily mention the poems, but the feeling's there. I was also thinking of them sort of actually writing the poems, unintentionally synchronizing intentions.
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