Title: "A Thought Brushing Up Against a Sigh"
kel_fishFandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Riku/Sora
Rating: NC-17; safety first.
Disclaimers: Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix, Disney, and others who aren't I.
Author's Note: This took me much longer to write than I thought it would, but I am so glad it's done! Many, many thanks to
caseyvalhalla and
glass_metric for
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I know what you're talking about, because my eye twitches everytime I find something canon nowadays, which is part of the reason why I wrote this. My original idea, "What happens after Kingdom Hearts... in a way that's totally not a soap opera?" Like... you know... there's life. *shrugs* That's the only way I can put it.
I'm so glad you agreed with their behavior, considering the whole story is based on how I thought they would've acted. Otherwise... it would be complete crack (in a bad way) and thus not worth keeping public.
Heh... pretty much everything else I'll be writing from here on out will be AU. With the exception of a Dean/Sam SPN one-shot, but that's more like what could have happened before the show started... er... and you don't watch that show. Meh, all you have to know is they're brothers, they have an oppressive father, they don't like the life they have to live every day, and they try (unsuccessfully) to escape. Got the idea yesterday while listening to Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" on the radio. Saw Dean's classic, black '67 Chevy Impala and BAM! plot. *sniffles*
Anyway... thank you so much for reading this! I made a really weird sound when I saw that you'd replied to this entry. *giggles* This fandom... it's one of the worst I've ever written for, especially on ff.n. People seem to think that anyone writing something that isn't crap don't need to be reassured so they'll keep writing. I mean, I'll still post because I love writing, but I'll be nervous and stuff. Especially when I start my Cloud/Sora fic, because... well, I'll get to that when it comes.
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