Really? Blondies?

Oct 23, 2010 00:11

 It's been 20 years since I've been there.  Last time I was there, I still lived in Howell, and was playing roadie for a local band who were playing there.  Ended up riding in the cab of a covered pickup truck with a good majority of the gear. (ever had a Marshall 4x12 speaker cab fall on your leg?  It's not as fun as it sounds.).  Got there, got the load in.  Then the doorman informed me that since I was with the band, I wouldn't have to pay cover.  However, for a 10 spot, he'd stamp my hand with the "Over 21" stamp.  Not counting what I spent on beer (which really, wasn't much) that was 10 bucks well spent.  I considered it justified for a sore back from hauling way too much equipment into too small a venue I got to crammed into the back of a truck from Howell to Detroit, to say nothing of  the charlie-horse to end all charlie-horses from that godsdamned speaker cab.

As you might surmise, Blondies is kind of a shithole.  Think Harpo's crammed into a place about 1.5 times the size of Macs.  It's really the kind of place you go to only if you have no other choice.

And unfortunately, it's now one of those times.  Next Wednesday, I'm blowing off Drawing class to go check out one of my favorite bands, Nevermore, with Rich and Matt (the other guitar player and drummer from the band I'm in, respectively).  We're more geeked about getting to see Nevermore play a full-set, headlining show than we are concerned or disgusted about squishy carpet and going to a bathroom where it's basically a row of dudes pissing into a trough.

Of course, it HAS been 20 years.  The place has been shut down and re-opened about a dozen times in its history. So it could have been cleaned up since.  But considering it's a Detroit metal venue?  I kind of doubt it.  It's like there's a law or something.  Ah well, going to D-town and cramming myself into a small venue with a bunch of other sweaty, like-minded metalheads is a small price to pay to see my current favorite guitarist work his magic up close.  Kinda like paying 10 bucks to drink underage.
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