Jul 23, 2007 21:32
I have officially been sexified.
New hurr color, new hurr do, manicure that's already gone to hell but its ok since I didn't pay for it.
Bring me the menfolk!
Sadly/finally, we move out of Miami Vice on Thursday. I'm super excited to move into Little Yellow but at the same time it's kind of sad leaving here. It's the end of an era. The good news is, although we're going to essentially be homeless for a week, Matt and Cam are being so kind as to let Emily and I crash at the Opium Den until August 1st, when we move into our new places. I'm SO excited to have a real house that has enough space for all of us. I'm going to have a room that I can actually fit all my stuff into, so I'll have a desirable place to retreat when communal living gets to be too much. That's the thing I hate most about living at Miami Vice- I feel like we're always on top of each other. Or maybe that's just me- I guess I'm easily smothered. Maybe I should really be living by myself...nah, I'd get lonely. I think Emily and I living separately is going to be good for us, or at least for me. Sometimes it's just too much.
Anyway. The girls are about to watch Backdraft but I think I just need some quiet time. Maybe go to bed before 1 a.m. for once? This is the first night we haven't hung out at the Opium Den in what feels like forever and I think we all need a night to regroup on our own. For tomorrow we reconvene for Draikin dahling's birthday festivities in Surrey!!!! Pitchers of cheap beer, huzzah!
I think I'm gonna go write.