Jul 24, 2005 17:03
took a hot bath and a shower last night... it felt really good after taking cold showers all week. and then i took another one this morning. u never know to appreciate something until you don't have it anymore, and hot showers is one of those things.
had an email from one of the girls i met on world changers... savannah. she's from greenville south carolina, and she's one of the few people i will truly miss. a very sweet girl with an enormous southern accent. hopefully we will be able to get together again sometime in the near future.
hancox's are coming over tonight for dinner... such a fun bunch of people. they're like my second family, and we always have so much fun when we do things together. yesterday was mrs. charae's birthday, so i want to give her the doll i picked out for her in venezuela... aparently she collects dolls from foreign countries.
grannyma is coming to visis this friday. and i have a tea set i bought to give her. yay! broght my mom and dad coffee and shawn got jewelry and a jewelry box, and they all got chocolate. mmmmmmmmm! good.
in less than a month i'm off to clemson. move in on the 20th of august. im so excited but at the same time im nervous about leaving home. ive always been fine when it comes to going on trips and i never really miss my parents, but that's only cause it was a short time, like 2 weeks max. i'm actually moving out. kind of nerve wracking.