Yesterday I was sitting next to a woman on the bus who had just finished "A Million Little Pieces". I asked her what she thought of it, we talked briefly, and then I put my iPod headphones in. When it was her stop, I stood up to let her out and told her to have a nice afternoon. She told me to take care of my hearing and to also have a nice
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i dunno...just some ideas! :)
but that IS weird that people think that they can comment on that & not other things (i loved you other examples...maybe i'll try them! haha). perhaps they can do that because headphones are things potentially anyone uses, and so therefore the person giving the advice could use them, as well -- whereas a person smoking would NOT like to have a non-smoker come up to them & try to give them advice, and ditto for a non-drinker. do you see? also, it's not like iPods are inherently dangerous in & of themselves -- they just can be a danger to your ears if you use them too loudly. so maybe people would figure that they can give that "advice" since it's not like they are telling you to quit iPods, just to use them responsibly.
but, still, that was really odd that she decided to add that little bit as she said goodbye. very odd indeed.
and, now that you've heard WAY more from me than you need to...can you tell i'm TOTALLY pulling a Procrastination Friday?...ciao, my dear!
but, i'm disappointed i missed out on a chance to see you!! when do you think we can reschedule for??? :) :)
miss you! hope you are managing to stay cool!!! xoxo
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