Apr 04, 2005 23:37
I decided that I am done with my whole setting up boundaries and laying out lines. I'm tired of trying to not let people get too close too soon, keeping myself closed off, and all that type of shit. Thats just not who I am and I am not going to change, I can't. I tried and it was definitely hard. I am who I am, and I tend to like that person. I may get hurt, or lose someone I care about, but I may also gain something even bigger and better. Life is about taking chances and breaking rules. I'm a damn good rule breaker, just check my record or ask my parents, so I'm gonna return to that trend in the other areas of my life. I don't like playing it safe, it's boring and just not me. It may be true that if you don't let people in, you won't get hurt, but I also know that if you do that, you will lead a very dull and lonely life. You may get your heart broken, find out something you didn't want to know, lose a friend, and just about every other bad thing you can think of, OR you may discover something great, fall in love, become a better person, and just about every good thing you can think of. I like to hope for the latter, but if something bad does happen, I know that I am a strong and resiliant person, fully capable of handling whatever life sends my way. With the help of my awesome friends of course and some time. Sometimes I need lots of time and help, and sometimes not. Whichever it is, I know that I will get through it. So push limits, break rules, shatter boundaries, tear down walls, and cross lines. Boundaries don't keep others out, they keep you in. You can waste your life drawing lines, or you can live your life crossing them. If you're willing to take that chance, the view from the other side is spectacular.
In other news, North Carolina won and my bracket kicked ass. I may have even won some dough. Hooray for moi!
I head to the Boro on the 16th for the I-Ball, which is a formal for those of you who do not know. It's fun getting dressed up and all, but only for a night. At least my homecoming dress will get worn again. I need a date too, so sign up now! Although if I don't have one, thats great too, it doesn't really matter.
Only 3 weeks more of school...thank God! I have massive senioritis and I'm only a soph AND I have 3 more years to go. Garrrr Peter. I can only hope that it'll be better at Western.
I want to go camping!!!!!!!!!! Someone pleeeeeeeease go with me! S'mores, sleeping bags, grilling out, all that good stuff, and I'm sure some drunkeness.
I am applying for jobs on Saturday, any suggestions for good places to work are appreciated.
Aaaaaand I think thats all at the moment. It's getting late and I've got a paper to not work on. Night!