Feb 09, 2005 23:13
Watched Wife Swap tonight b/c it was on after Alias. This black woman traded places with a lesbian woman and was telling the lesbian she moved in with that she could pretend not to be gay and she wouldn't be treated differently, and that the bible says its wrong to be gay, and she was badly influencing her daughter, and she was even worried that the woman who was now in her house would try and do something to her daughter! Funny thing is, 30 years ago, this black woman would not have been allowed to marry her WHITE husband. That was wrong then and society looked down on it blah blah blah. But this stupid ass ignorant conservative somehow could not see the similarity in the situations. Then I get on here and check my e-mail and theres a petition about stopping whats called canned hunting. Animals are kept in a small area so hunters can shoot them at a close range. As if regular hunting isn't sick enough. I just really fucking don't like people sometimes.