I haven't written in a while so I figured I could write a little something before I go to sleep.
I'm still up and it's 4AM.
Plus someone's alarm is going off?? How am I going to sleep with that?
I'm still job searching. Which really freaking sucks.
I went to the library today and got a shit ton of books.
That was fun.
I'm getting back into shape by biking, and I don't get tired anymore.
So that's really good.
Also I started learning Korean!
Not just hangeul because I've pretty much got that down pat.
But yeah, I'm using Talk To Me In Korean, some free textbook I found online,
and I'm getting my first official textbook in the mail today.
Okay yes I am excited about a textbook. So shoot me.
Also I want to start learning Spanish, but is it just better to wait after studying Korean for a while?
Plus I'm way behind in studying Japanese.
I really gotta do that.
I already forgot how to write 勉強's 強 orz
that's when you know there's a problem.
But anyway.
I also went to Nukoa today and got some sheet masks and other goodies.
But I spent way too much money oops.
So no more shopping for me I'm done.
I can't help it I just love shopping there.
It just doesn't help that the prices are too high for me :(
I'm trying to find stuff on eBay but sometimes not having to wait is the more convenient option for a higher price.
Well anyway, I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep.
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