Nov 05, 2007 10:19
Ugh. What a week. And go figure it's the first week back from our honeymoon. Don't they say to keep the honeymoon going as long as you can once you're back? Well, apparently for us that didn't work out so well. We found out when we got home that there are mice who have decided to move into our house for the winter - exterminator time.
Then we got a final notice water bill sent to our landlord but to our house instead of hers. We opened it to discover that she hasn't paid the water bill in about a million years and that they're shutting off our water unless she pays it pronto. And no, we were never responsible for paying the water, just gas and electric. Also, she told me when we first moved in that she needed to pay an outstanding balance and asked if I could have the next bill forwarded to her. Really not my responsibility, but I did it anyway of course. Well when Gary emailed her about the final notice thing she sent him an email back about how this wouldn't have happened if I had sent her the bill a long time ago. What?!?! I did send you the bill dumbass. Not to mention, if for some reason you didn't get it, pick up the damn phone, call them, and pay the thing. When we opened the letter I told Gary we should just let them shut the water off and then refuse to pay our rent for this month since we didn't have water. He convinced me otherwise which was probably for the best, but after that snotty email, man would I have loved to stick it to her.
Unfortunately, that does not conclude the list of problems this week. Currently a plumber (a very forward and weird plumber) is in our basement pumping some clogged drain thing that overflowed last night and ruined a bunch of my clothes with nasty sewer water. It was gross and he's annoying. When he looked at the drain thing he was like, do you have a lint trap for laundry? I told him yes and then he walked over to the washer and was like, no you don't have a lint trap here for your washer. Um, I thought you meant the dryer weirdo. I didn't know anything about lint traps for washers and if there's supposed to be one, it definitely wasn't my responsibility to know that. Then he asked if I flush feminine napkins... how weird. I'm so private about that stuff and some weird stranger dude is in my basement with me asking about my feminine hygiene. Gross. I told him no. Then he started unclogging the thing and came upstairs and told me that I do flush feminine napkins because he found tampons in the sewer water. Well duh. Of course I flush tampons, who doesn't. I thought he meant pads. That's what I would refer to as a feminine napkin. He told me I can't flush tampons here because of some this or that blah blah blah. What??? Gross. So, I got a feminine hygiene lesson from some strange plumber who now thinks I'm some pathalogical liar since it seemed to him like I was lying both times. Grrr. How annoying and weird.
Renting has never been a real issue for me until now - well aside from the fact that I hate paying so much money to end up owning nothing. It has become a major annoyance virtually overnight and I can't wait to own my own house. Not that these types of things won't happen, but A. I will not have to deal with a landlord who tells me to just set traps when there's a mice infestation - not happening, I convinced her into an exterminator because that just isn't fair B. I will never not pay the damn water bill or have someone else not pay it then accuse me of being the reason for it and C. I will live in a house where I can flush my damn tampons and if I have to have a plumber, it won't be that one! At least our house is cute or I might just have to move.