Jul 03, 2004 23:29
I had such a great day! this morning i woke up and got ready then headed out to the airshow with my mom to work, at first it was boring as hell!! but wow.. my mom, chad, some other girl (i dont remember her name) and i all went out to the flight line when the snowbirds were performing it was like breath taking.. they are seriously like sooo amazing! but we handed out these pamplet things so the pilots could sign them (the pilots from the snowbirds).. i met most of them and they were so nice and i had such a great time!
then after i came home i took a shower and kari came over and we were debating on if we should go to summer cel or not.. yeah we didnt so kc came over and we watched the movie "Lucky 7".. i never saw it before but it was really cute! but towards the end it started pouring out side so we all went out and played in the rain.. it was so much fun!! HAHA wow yeah me kc and kari ended up peeing on the side of the house.. it was great time! then we came back in here and just watched the end of our movie and thats about it..