Sep 13, 2003 00:28
Tonight was good. My dad and I went to Toreros for dinner, and then went to see Once Upon a Time in Mexico. The movie was pretty good. It has a lot of action, and blood ... but mostly action. My dad thought it had too much killing, but he thought it was alright. After the movies we went back to his place. I hung out there for a bit and watched Whose Line is it Anyway with him, then left at 10.
My mom and I aren't going anywhere this weekend. Mostly because we don't have much money. I'm wanting to go see Cabin Fever sometime this weekend. Tomorrow I might be doing something with Joanna and Lorna. They may want to go see a movie, but nothing like Cabin Fever though. Hopefully my mom will want to go and see it with me Sunday night.
I made a new icon from the movie ...with lyrics from a Mest song. I was wanting to make a icon with "Are you a mexican or a mexicant?", but it didn't go with the pic.
Tickets for the GC/MEST show came in the mail today. I can't wait. :D