Okay, so to know what i am talking about you will have to do some work, but it is totally worth it!
First go here ~
http://www.jkrowling.com/ Select the top center box ~ "Enter Accessibility Enabled Version"
Wait for page to finish loading ~ you will see a messy desk and hear dogs barking...
Mouse over the desk and you will see there are different places to go ~ Select the HAIRBRUSH {Extra Stuff}
(You can check out the other places later, they are worth it.)
Notice the tabs to the right of the center page ~ Select the Yellow "Miscellanious" Tab
Select the words the read ~ "For Girls Only, Probably..."
Read her thoughts. It may seem long but it actually is a quick and worth while read.
~~~~~ I don't think i could have said or written it any better!!! ~~~~~
I guess that's why she gets paid to write and i don't.