When I grow up, I want to be a vengful child assassin...

Aug 28, 2006 12:30

Everyone, meet Anima Chise! (courtesy of dwarvennomlet and death2sanity. (pronounced: Anema Chi-sae)


Have no idea why I'm so chipper. Seriously. Not a clue. But we went over some Netsilik Eskimo notes, and in Latin we're talking about declination of nouns and verbs (it's actually a lot of fun), and World Civ...the Reformation! Whee. Seriously, I've known the Reformation since I was like, yae high. *points to mid thigh* But, anyway!

*is severly hyper*

Hard Candy is coming to Hendrix Theater (the oncampus movie place), and I so so so want to see it. Patrick Wilson is an incredible actor (note: must see Angels in America ASAP), and I'd love to see his portrayal of a pedophile. Ellen Page (the girl who played Kitty in X3) was so convincing in the trailer for HC that I really thought she was 14. I almost lost my dinner.

It seems losille2000 is right. Poor Wilson can't play a movie where he's not seducing 17 year old actresses or getting his ass tied up. Plus, Hard Candy isn't your typical pedophile movie. It's supposed to be similar to role reversal, where the victim becomes judge and jury and executioner. I want to be a vindicitive bitch when I grow up! They have all the fun.

My first week seems to be jampacked with stuff. Classes, notes, readings (it's a good thing I find it all riveting), and then there are the extracurriculars. There's a three hour study session tonight that I want to go to. Tommrrow I have my first ever Old Testament class (I hope I've read ahead enough!), and there's a dorm meeting I need to attend. Wednesday is a meeting of the equestrian club, which I'm really curious about, and Thursday there's a B-Glad meeting at 8. I wanted to join the taekwondo club, but it meets on Tuesday evenings in the middle of my OT class, so maybe I'll join the Taijutsu club instead. I want to do something that will keep me active...I sort of wish I'd signed up for my health class this semester.

Ah, well. This weekend is Labor Day, and I'm going home to gather much needed decorations for my dorm. I'm also dragging along deviant_lesbian if I can pry her ass out of the art building long enough.

Also! My sister just recently broke up with her boyfriend, who was cheating on her. Doug now has a limited amount of time to leave the state before I come and find him. He apparently didn't read the rules carefully. He doesn't date anyone but Jessie until she's done with him. He has made her cry. Now. I will make HIM cry. You'll forgive me if I sound horribly bitchy, but ever since I moved up to ECU, Jess and I have become incredibly close, and Doug's gone and messed her up. Most of you should look somewhere else when I go extract vengence.

All right, my battery is informing me that it needs to be plugged in. Anima and I are off to get her charged, and then I'll be catching up on reading for my anthro class, and working on some Latin.

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