I have written you an opera...Don Juan Triumphant!

Feb 04, 2005 22:21

EEEEEE! The DVD of Phantom is coming out April 28th! THANK GOD. I could not have waited until 2006, I would have gone insane and kicked off to the big opera house in the sky.

Okay...I have not yet written the next part of Unspoken Secrets, There's No Returning My Blood.

I spent a ton of today studying my Anatomy for the exam on Tuesday, and so I was totally worn out by the time I came home for work. But I do have a strong sense of the story, and I should have it written tommrrow, although I may not be able to post it til late that night, as I have to work from 3-9.

Oh! Today at work, I lost like, 6 quarts of blood. No kidding. Why, you ask? Well, contrary to popular belief, I was not juggling knives, threatening an assassin, or attempting to resurrect the Witch of the Golden Pond. (Don't ask). My nose bled for an hour and a half today. Because of that, I don't feel so hot.

Okay, actually I feel very warm, and I think I'll be going to bed soon. But you know what I mean.

In the meantime...Finding Neverland has finally shown up around here, and I'm going to see it with a friend on Sunday. We'll just pretend I haven't seen it twice already, shall we?

And I believe I have found a writer better than Gaston Leroux. You can find her in my memories, and she has written The Phantom of the Opera from Christine's point of view, which is very different. Needless to say, Christine and Erik wind up together. But this woman has an excellent grasp of the Victorian tongue, and I suggest you read it even if you're only interested in Victorian culture.

rec: movie, writing, recs, phantom, rec: fanfiction, homework, exams

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