I hate you academia. I hate you.

Sep 22, 2008 15:01

So after I had my wisdom teeth out, I was out of classes for roughly a week.

This is apparently a hint to my professors to pile on the work.

I have an ENORMOUS pile of shit that has to be done in the next three days or so. Ready? Yeah, me neither.

-Write a review on Hoover Dam (Due Weds)

-Study ch. 4,5,6,8 for Econ exam (Friday)

-Write a paper on Metternich and Austria--a book I loathe, despise and cannot understand (Already late--prof's granting me an extension)

-Squeeze sixteen more hours in at work (by next Tues)

-Study ch. 2,3,8,9 for NC history exam (Tomorrow)

-Finish, somehow the three homework assignments I'm behind on in ASIP--which is difficult as the fucking program keeps telling me I'm doing it wrong, when I'm following all directions (Late)

-Deal with the after effects of the oxycodone--which for me meant a week of yo-yo bouncing between manic happiness and furious anger, and now sliding steadily into depression and major stress (Whenever I have time)

-Organize a fucking panel that I cannot seem to get a response on, possibly because of defunct emails (Thursday night)

Not to mention I have mid-terms to start prepping for, and let's not even BEGIN to talk about those long, 18-page papers that will be due at the end of the semester.

Oh, and I'm failing macroeconomics. I thought I was doing well, but nope, failing. I'll be fucking lucky if I get a C, and really, I need a B here.

I've just spent the last few hours combing Google and my textbook about NC during the Revolutionary War and the Constitution, for an exam that is tomorrow, that I'm really, really unprepared for.

To say I've been on the verge of tears all day would not be exaggerating.

ETA: Is it too late in life to form an immediate and all-consuming addiction to painkillers? Sleep aids? SOMETHING?

stress, classes, exams, academics

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