I will follow you into Hades, Hesphastion...

Nov 24, 2004 18:39

Yeah. So...I just saw Alexander. OMG! The first, wide-released, canonical slash movie ever. Excuse me while I hyperventilate.

*Breathes in on advice of her therapist*

That's better now. Okay, this movie was just...amazing, and horrible, and beautiful all at once.

So...my lj cut...
The Amazing
The battle scenes. Turns out Oliver Stone used thousands of extras and hundreds of horses and elephants. That made the scenes all the more real. Granted, they were pretty gory, but no worse than Braveheart. I love the battle scenes.

I also loved the amazing sets. All the sets were very good, if not completely historically accurate, but that's okay. Look, people, I came for the slash, and Alexander, not to see if they used 3,000 year old concerete.
I DID, however, have this tiny problem with the dates. The actually "323 BC" dates were all right, even though I know that's not how they refer to them in Macedonia. But they used Roman months. You know, like, July and June and stuff. Except...July was named after Julius Ceaser, WHO WASN"T EVEN BORN UNTIL 200 YEARS AFTER ALEXANDER DIED. However, that wasn't my REAL problem. The problem was they would have used Macedonian dates. Anyway, that's just a little angst of mine.

But anyway, battle scenes? Amazing. Scenery? To die for.
Moving on.

The Horrible
What bugged me was the weakness Alexander showed. He was all miserable and meloncholy after he murdered Cassander in a fit of rage, because he didn't want to hear what Cassander was trying to say. And there were several occasions where he completely freaked out, and not even Hephastion could stop him. This bothered me, maybe because I always pictured Alexander as invincible. That's not fair, I know, but this weakness really bothered me. That and his pigheadedness about pushing on towards China.
Dude, when your men have been fighting for you for 8 years, it's time to let them go home!

But really, Alexander's weakness bothered me very much.

The Beautiful
Three words. Hephastion. Alexander. TOGETHER. I ADORED their love, their completely canoncial love, which needs no imagination to see, but could have been pumped up by using a few "selective" scenes. However, I understand COMPLETELY why they didn't. Alexander and Hephastion's love was pure and private, and you don't need to see them together to know they'll love each other until death. And beyond.

And the Boroas/Alexander kiss? Totally awesome. See the movie, if only to see this scene.

All in all? A movie I recommend, but only to those with enough guts to do a little research about Alexander beforehand.

rec: movie, hephaestion, recs, alexander

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