Mar 16, 2012 13:31
The law school computer network has been down since Computer Guru R came in at five in the morning to update the servers. The Internet's up (obviously), but the internal network is still out, which means I can't get to my e-mail or spreadsheets. 80% of my job is on the server, so I am SOL until it's updated. I thought yesterday about taking today off, but I used up almost half of the vacation time I had banked last week with my super-busy (but mostly fun) week. And I was coming out to Orange County anyway to have lunch with Mom, so I was gonna use the petrol anyway.
Could be worse. I could have absolutely nothing at all to do. I'm off to get some looseleaf books to update, and I have two hours of Cabin Pressure that I haven't heard yet to help me through the mindless tedium of filing.
tales from the crypt