I'm gonna ache like crazy tomorrow from tonight's belly dance class, but I won't ever wish I hadn't gone. I had a great time.
Enjoyed Sucker Punch more than I'd expected. Of course, this is like saying a book is better than Twilight; "more" or "better" can mean anything from "not arse gravy" to "fantastic." It was closer to arse gravy than it was to fantastic, but there were some things I rather liked. I've been a fan of Scott Glenn since The Right Stuff, and it was what Phil wanted to see on his birthday, so I went.
Phil's birthday dinner went well Sunday, we saw the movie last night, and he's taking me out to dinner tomorrow. With his work schedule and my stagehanding schedule, three times in one week has been hard to come by since S&M's closing night! We've got used to seeing each other only once or twice a week, but I think he dislikes this as much as I do.
Two weekends of stagehanding to go! We're the Pros from Dover at this point. I could never read in our little ready room because the dialogue from the play was too loud and distracting, but I shall take some embroidery to work on during the play ... why didn't I think of that before?!
Mom's coming home for a whole week! The niece beasts are out of school for spring break next week, and Chris is taking that time off work to spend with them, so Mom gets the week off. I miss her terribly, so I'm looking forward to watching some new Doctor Who episodes with her.
Dara O'Briain inspired a Sherlock BBC 221B drabble. I've only sketched out a few lines of dialogue so far. Not sure about the rest yet, but scribbling ideas on a pay stub envelope at my work desk felt really good.
On my way to work, two girls in the car behind me laughed and took a photo of my obscure Snape quote license plate and HP-themed plate frame. Nice to know I brightened someone's day.
I'm teaching myself things MS Excel can do that I never needed to know for my job. Formatting and formulas, mostly. I can do everything manually because it's all basic bookkeeping, but I'm finding ways to experiment with it. Never bothered before, and it's rather interesting. Also interesting is my new work computer. It's warmed up and ready to go in one and a half minutes instead of one and a half hours ... I'm still in shock!
Episodes of Supernatural used to scare me. Then I saw the first episode of The Walking Dead Sunday night. We watched two episodes of Supernatural after that, and while they were fun, they weren't scary at all. Not sure I can handle more of TWD, no matter how much Phil loves it. The first episode, which Phil said is much tamer than anything that came after it, was terrifying enough.
Advil PM hasn't done anything yet: my back still aches, and I'm not sleepy. But I am tired, which is enough of a reason to go to bed anyway. Besides, dance and workout aches are the best aches, so I'm happy to have them. (Even though I'll hobble and gripe tomorrow.)
Good night.