Fangirl moment: I can't stop reading Aurette's WIP. On days she doesn't update, I reread the latest chapter or two. Or I just read the whole thing (37,000 words so far). She's up to seven chapters with a subtle and wicked cliffhanger, and I am dying to know what's next.
I'm not big on adultery fics, even when our heroes aren't the ones cheating. One or both of them cheating on someone else isn't an automatic hit on the Back button for me, but that's what usually happens. I'm curious to see what's coming, given the clues I keep picking up (I've read chapter 7 three times already).
Story info, if you're interested:
Rating: M
Summary: Ron saves Snape's life after the Battle of Hogwarts, invoking a new
life debt, and something else... AU, EWE?, SS/HG, M for Language and
Chapter 7 URL: